Frank Impinna, NARFE Colorado
Welcome to the NARFE Colorado Federation website! I can
only reiterate and update what Ted Van Hintum, past Federation President composed below in the awareness of our
Federation and organization.
NARFE Members
There are over 100,000 active and retired federal employees in Colorado including over 10,000 postal
service employees, 38,000 federal employees, and 53,000 federal annuitants. The NARFE Colorado Federation has over 3,600
members which include 2,200 national-only members and 1,400 members belonging to 11 local NARFE chapters.
NARFE’s Mission
is NARFE’s mission to support legislation that benefits federal employees and retirees, advise them of their rights
under federal law and regulations, and cooperate with other organizations in furtherance of NARFE’s objectives.
fulfilling the first part of NARFE’s mission to support legislation that benefits federal employees and retirees, NARFE
has a legislative staff that actively lobbies on Capitol Hill. At the state level, the Colorado Federation has a Congressional
District Leader in each of the eight congressional districts advocating at the grassroots level for federal employees and
retirees. Members are encouraged to be involved at all levels.
The second part of NARFE’s mission is to advise federal
employees and retirees regarding their rights under current retirement laws and regulations. NARFE primarily fulfills
this mission by having a staff of federal benefits experts, often retirees from the Office or Personnel Management and the
Social Security Administration, available to answer questions to assist NARFE members with their federal benefits.
mission also includes cooperating with other organizations and associations in furtherance of NARFE’s objectives.
At the national level, NARFE is a member of several organizations in partnership to advance their mutual goals. One
of these includes the Federal-Postal Coalition comprised of over 30 national organizations including the AFGE, Federal Managers
Association, and Federally Employed Women. At the state level, the Colorado Federation partners with health insurers
in the state in conducting health fairs during the annual open health care benefit season for federal employees and retirees.
Member Donations and Support
NARFE member donations support the Alzheimer’s Association in conducting research to find a cure
for Alzheimer’s disease. NARFE members have donated millions of dollars to fund Alzheimer’s research.
NARFE members also donate to the Federal Employee Education and Assistance Fund to provide scholarships for the children and
grandchildren of federal employees. NARFE members contribute to NARFE’s political action committee, NARFE-PAC,
to support those legislators that support NARFE’s legislative priorities.
NARFE Member Benefits
member benefits include access to NARFE’s Federal Benefits Institute providing webinars on health insurance, taxes and
investments, and other topics of interest to federal employees and retirees. NARFE’s Legislative Action Center
makes it easy to contact your senators and congressperson to support legislation. NARFE’s Perks include member
discounts on hotels, car rentals, appliances, and a variety of other services. Finally, NARFE’s award-winning
magazine is worth the price of membership alone.
In addition to NARFE’s magazine, the Colorado NARFE News newspaper is published
four times a year and provides information on NARFE activities at the state and local chapter level to all NARFE members in
the state.
Colorado Federation provides support to members attending NARFE’s biennial national conference and national legislative
conference. All NARFE members are invited to attend the Colorado federation’s annual business meetings and biennial
state conference.
One Hundred Years of Service
NARFE recently celebrated 100 years of fighting for the earned pay and benefits of federal employees
and retirees. With your support, NARFE will be able to continue its second century of service. The Colorado Federation
is also celebrating its 60 years as a formed federation.