
 Welcome to our web site of the National Active and Retired Federal Employees Protecting the Future for Active and Retired Federal Employees

AUGUST 19 - AUGUST 26, 2026
Indianapolis, IN
We will be at the Hyatt Regency.

Do you have an Amendment to the Bylaws?


This is a notification to all Colorado Federation Members that in the year 2025 and at the 2025 Colorado Federation Conference, we will be voting upon any bylaw amendment(s) presented for a vote.


Per ARTICLE XI: AMENDMENTS, Section 1. Amendments

These bylaws may be amended by a two-thirds vote of the members voting, provided that the amendment has been submitted in writing.


In order to notify all members through our Newspaper, which is distributed quarterly, we will need any amendment(s) presented to me by March 15, 2025. After review by the Bylaws committee, the amendment(s) will be published in the April issue and posted on the Colorado website on the 2025 Colorado Federation Conference page.


The present Colorado Bylaws were passed in 2021 and approved by National in December 2021.  Some fine-tuned items may need to be addressed, and this email is to inform you that this is the time to present those items to the bylaws committee. We plan to have our conference on June 20th, with those in attendance, to vote on the candidates up for election and any amended bylaw proposals.


Get Bylaw form to fill out on the 2025 Federation conference page and send to Dorothy White by March 15, 2023.




Take action now to defend your earned benefits by clicking HERE.

For contacting NARFE about visiting or contacting your Congressional Representative or an Event, you can find the “Feedback Form” by clicking here and then selecting the “Surveys” option.

Read here on the first 75 years of NARFE.

Click here for latest on H,R.82 repealing the Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP) and Government Pension Offset (GPO)

Click for 17 Min video of the History of Narfe

 Click here to view 4.10 minute about NARFE 


To support legislation beneficial to current and potential federal annuitants
and to oppose legislation contrary to their interests.

To promote the general welfare of current and potential federal annuitants by
advising them with respect to their rights under retirement laws and

To cooperate with other organizations and associations in furtherance of
these general objectives.

Click here for VIDEO 

NARFE Working Hard for You
 "100+ Years Strong"
The National Active and Retired Federal Employees Association (NARFE) is the only association dedicated to safeguarding and enhancing the benefits of America’s active and retired federal employees, and their survivors. NARFE is an advocate for both active and retired federal employees before Congress and the White House. Membership in NARFE totals 300,000 federal workers and retirees.• NARFE sponsors and supports legislation to protect the earned retirement benefits and general welfare of members. NARFE’s years of experience on Capitol Hill and in federal agencies have made NARFE a respected name among members of Congress and a key player in the federal community.

 When you become a NARFE member, you can have: 
1.A voice on Capitol Hill.
2.Advance information on changes to your federal retirement, health and other benefits.

An award-winning monthly magazine and exclusive Web site access. 

Member perks


CLICK HERE to Download Membership Application

National Active and Retired Federal Employees 100+ Years Strong